Why Last Year's Didn't Last - Resolving New Year's Resolutions

Well, it looks like another cold and dark January is almost behind us. In a blink of an eye (and add 60 days) it will be SPRING! But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s look back to see how we have done so far in 2015.
Let’s start with a look at our checklist:

   Put snow tires on

    Pay holiday bills
    Keep up New Year’s resolutions – hmmm...

I hate to say it, but let’s be honest…January is traditionally the month of good intentions and poor results.

Health related goals tend to be the most common resolutions set. We often overindulge during the holidays and health is what’s fresh in our minds when deciding on the biggest change we need to make. This isn’t necessarily a good thing. Over half of us set New Year’s resolutions but the truth is, less than 10% of us are actually successful. If you are dreading the inevitable day when your New Year’s resolutions fall flat, it might be because you need different resolutions!

I read a great Instagram quote in mid-December that phrased it perfectly,

“If you were serious about your New Year’s resolution…you’d be doing it already”.

There’s two things to take from this:
#1. Yes, I quoted something from Instagram.
#2. If you’re not serious, don’t even bother.

Let’s look at a few reasons why New Year’s goal setting usually falls short:

1) Unrealistic or Vague goals - The more vague or unrealistic the goals, the less likely we are to achieve them. It’s tempting to try everything on your list, but for best results, focus on one or two specific and realistic things.  You can always do more later or add a new goal when you achieve one on your list.

2) We don’t set ourselves up for success - Want to eat healthier? Pack your fridge with healthy items. Want to read more? Turn off the Netflix and create a cozy reading environment. Want to drink less? Stay out of bars! In order to succeed we have to prepare our environment for our new goals. This goes for people too. Seek support from friends and family. If you don’t get support from your friends, your first goal should be to drop these deadbeats and go get some new ones! Or just hang out with us :)

3) Set the right goals – If the reason for your resolution is that your co-workers are doing it that “herd mentality” won’t get you very far. Your goals need to have a “WHY” behind it. Why do you want to make this change? Why is it important to you? Believe me, there will be days where putting forth the effort will seem daunting - we need to have a strong purpose to fall back to in order to achieve success with goal-setting.

4) Using guilt or fear to motivate – Avoid this one altogether. Using guilt as motivation will inevitably just lead to more of the same. Be positive. Be excited.

Ways to help make it stick!
Instead of focusing on outcomes this January, why not set your sights on the actual process this year?

·      Set goals that are action-oriented. Ex) Make the goal to workout 3 x per week instead of the goal being to lose 15lbs.

·      Make fitness a priority – schedule it! Whether it be your training session at Catalyst or a home workout, put it in your agenda and don’t bump it!

·      Surround yourself with winners – happiness and excitement is contagious. Be with people who motivate you and make you feel good. The rest will take care of itself.

·      Seek help from the best – this is your body and your life so take it serious. Wanting to “eat healthier” but not knowing what this actually means isn’t going to go very well. What does your body actually need? Use professionals to help you create a plan that is specific and realistic.

·      Don’t freak out – a slip up doesn’t mean you failed. So you had a few drinks and a slice of pizza…tomorrow is your chance to get right back on track. Nothing changes.


Keep it up!


What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

-       Henry David Thoreau



 Dr. Craig McNamee






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